On-Line Registrations have closed. LIMITED space for walk-ins MAY be available at the door the night of the events. ONLY CASH or Money Orders are accepted at the door the night of the events.
Friday Night $60 per person at the Door
Friday and Saturday PAID on Friday Night $150
Saturday Night at the Door $120 per person
Thomas Jefferson High School - Reunion Committee Rosters
Class of 1973
Glorian Ferlita Weartherly - 813-610-2614
Irene and Derek Rotolo - Home: 813-926-2486, Cell: 813-892-4034, Email - dedanirot@aol.com
Rory Gonzalez - 813-624-6562, Email - rorygonzalez@comcast.net
Committee Members:
Joyce Sierra - Home: 813-872-0422, Cell: 813-841-8958, Email - jtgonzal@tampabay.rr.com
Frances Demmi Hess - Home: 727-546-4922, Cell: 727-418-6360, Email - fdressback@aol.com
Bill Venable, Esquire - 813-390-8587, Email: billven@aol.com
Marla Owens Jones - Home: 813-671-5525, Email - weedance@aol.com
Denise Kranich - Email - DKRANICH@INNSBROOK.COM
Class of 1974
Louise Rodriquez - 813-205-0163, Email - LMR2020@verizon.net
Gail Caminiti Pyfrom - 818-384-4666, Email my3pys@aol.com
Albert Coleman - 813-928-6515, Email - colemanacc@gmail.com
Committee Members:
Patty Roman Allen - 813-852-1697, Email - westtampagirl@hotmail.com
Clifford Cooper - 813-833-5417, Email - cliffcooper45@earthlink.net
Rick Fleenor
Patty Fueyo Tamayo - 813-264-5337, Email - pattioh22@msn.com
Nancy Leto Hines - 813-294-8588, Email - writenancynow@yahoo.com
Connie Anastassiou Rose - 727-515-3619, Email - rosie2028@hotmail.com
Linda Monteau Ladoniczki - Home: 727-786-7620, Cell: 727-409-7976
Steve Ladoniczki - Email - LOBTTRCP@aol.com
Class of 1975
Sandy Stamper Hatton - Home: 813-681-8969, Cell: 813-293-8061, Email - slhatton@gte.net
Celinda Correa - Home: 813-982-9043, Cell: 813-426-2870, Email - cecerider8@aol.com
Committee Members:
Jean Collins - 813-417-5157, Email - goodjeans2@aol.com
Darlene Ortiz Ramputi - 813-968-3792, Email - bdramputi@verizon.net
Robert Gandarilla - Home:813-962-4720, Office: 813-873-9200
Gina Alfano West - 813-231-0049, Email - fughettabouit1@verizon.net
Vicki Chapman - 941-356-2217, Email - pinkeysplace@verizon.net